Forum >GMR - General Mobile Robot controller

GMR - General Mobile Robot controller

userHead Account cancelled 2014-03-07 01:42:16 2245 Views1 Replies
I have received a new GMR board.

I've placed the two arduino nano and the arduino mega on the shield.
Now I want to comunicate the mega (master) with the two nanos (salves).
I use Wire lib but I can't send any message to the slaves.
When I configure the Mega as master it blocks forever in


So I don't know how to continue.

* The board comes with 3 IC2 pins,
do I need to connect the IC2 pins of the board or they are automatically interconnected ?

* Or more precissely:
how can processors talk to each other using Wire lib ?
how processors are or must be interconnected ?

* What are the two RS485 pins ?

* The wireless slots are connected to Nanos ?

This board seems a very excepcional/powerful product but I think it needs better doc.

I suggest to review wiki doc cause it seems not enouth detailed.


Thanks in advance,
2014-03-07 18:48:09 HI xavier, thank you for your advice, we will updata the wiki doc ASAP.
First the Mega and two Nano are automatically interconnected, you dont need to connect the IC2 pins
The wireless slots are connected to the Mega.
And the RS485 are used for URM04 sensors and they can drive by that Nano board.

Have you try the example code in the Wire lib?

as a master, to send a data:
Wire.beginTransmission(4); // transmit to device #4
Wire.write("x is ");        // sends five bytes
Wire.write(x);              // sends one byte 
Wire.endTransmission();    // stop transmitting

you can try this.
userHeadPic pepin