
Arduino Shield for Raspberry - SS Pin lost (Slave Mode)

userHead plafonator 2018-06-13 11:55:48 5161 Views2 Replies

After hours and hours googling and trying etc etc etc , i couldnt find the SS Pin (if there's any) on the Arduino Shield for Raspberry, it is supposed to be on pin 10 , but not.. other Leonardo arduinos are used to have the SS pin by the side of the RX Led , but in this case, as this is a custom shield , I've no idea where's that pin... I actually checked ALL digital outputs and None matched SS .

Same code does works on a normal Leonardo Arduino , also Micro , Nano etc etc... so.. does anyone has any idea of where is the SS Pin on this shield?

Thanks a lot!

ps: I know you can use ANY Digital output for CS/SS in master mode... but this is is for slave mode...
2018-06-14 03:57:26 Yeah I figured that out... on the same shield will be tricky... let's see how it goes... I will post some pics... thanks userHeadPic plafonator
2018-06-13 14:26:02 The SS pin is corresponding to RXLED, if you want to use that pin, you need to solder a wire from the RX LED manually. userHeadPic robert.chen