NEWS Anniversary

DFRobot 8th Anniversary Carnival (2018 Jul. 10 - Jul. 12)

DFRobot Jul 02 2018 260686




DFRobot will celebrate our 8th anniversary and provide copious amounts of events. Anniversary Carnival starts on July 10th GMT+8 and last for 3 days. Before it begins, here are the main events preview.

Save the date and enjoy~



1. Daily Flash Deal

Many top favorite products will be on slash sale, up-to-50% OFF.

DFRobot 8th Anniversary Daily Flash Deals



2. Summer Holiday Projects

Prepare interesting and easy-to-follow projects with detailed information for you to experience during the Summer Vacation.

Summer Holiday Projects Gallery



3. Raspberry Anniversary Event

You can enjoy one Raspberry 3B+ less than $25 in the form of Raspberry Kit during the event.

Raspberry Pi Day Sale - Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ only cost $24.95



4. Gravity Sensor Price Cut

Price Cut On Various Gravity Sensors.

Gravity: Arduino Sensors | IO Sensor Shields | Modules

5. World Wide Free Shipping

World Wide Free Shipping on orders over $150.
** Orders over 2KG or orders from countries in Zone 9 are not eligible for free shipping.

World Wide Free Shipping