NEWS Anniversary

DFRobot 8th Anniversary Daily Flash Deals

DFRobot Jul 08 2018 260593




DFRobot 8th Anniversary Daily Flash Deals


Starting from Jul 10th to 12th 2018 (GMT +8), you are welcomed to enjoy Daily Flash Deals to celebrate DFRobot 8th Anniversary. During this period, we will list 10 different products in special offer every day. 

This could be the only chance to get a special price for these best sellers.


*Pay note: there is limitation shopping cart capacity to those items.


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World Wide Free Shipping on orders over $150.
** Orders over 2KG or orders from countries in Zone 9 are not eligible for free shipping.

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July 12. (Robotics & Kits)



Flash Deal Product - Robotics 
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Devastator Tank Mobile Robot Platform 
(Metal DC Gear Motor)
The Devastator tank mobile robot platform is constructed from high strength aluminium alloy and is extremely solid and durable. 
This robot kit is perfect for hobbyists, educators, robot competitions and research projects!
Brushless DC Motor with Encoder 12V 159RPM
A DC brushless motor with built-in motor driver. 
It can be conncected to Arduino directly without external motor driver.
MiniQ 2WD Robot Kit v2.0
It's a complete robotic learning platform, 
with low cost and a good learning curve.
DFRobot DF9GMS 360 Degree Micro Servo (1.6Kg)
The DFRobot DF9GMS is a 360 degree micro servo. 
It can be used for various applications and DIY products, such as toy cars, boats, windmills etc.
Pirate: 4WD Arduino Mobile Robot Kit
with Bluetooth 4.0- Support IOS Control
This Pirate 4WD Arduino Robot kits is with a set of Ultrasonic sensor (URM37). 
It allows you to build a fully autonomous mobile robot.


Flash Deal Product - Kits
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LattePanda Starter Kit (US Adapter)
LattePanda Starter Kit (EU Adapter)
This lattepanda starter kit (US/EU adapter) includes everything you need to get your LattePanda going right out of the box!
Gravity: 9 Pcs Sensor Set for Arduino
This is DFRobot's basic sensor set for arduino. Set includes light sensor, touch sensor, temperature sensor, 
magnetic sensor, vibration sensor, tilt sensor, big button, LED lighting module and Grayscale sensor.
Gravity: 27 Pcs Sensor Kit for Arduino
It comes with bundle of the most popular DFRobot sensors such as 
light sensors, gas sensors, sound sensors, touch sensors, distance sensor, accelerometer and lots more 
which gives unlimited possibility to sense the physical world on your embedded devices.
Beginner Kit for Arduino (Best Starter Kit)
This kit starts from basic LED control to more advanced environmental sensing, monitoring and actuators. 
EcoDuino - An Auto Planting Kit
EcoDuino can message you and tell you how your plants are doing through wireless communications.
It will also water your plants automatically when they are thirsty, or at a pre-determined interval.



July 10. (Display & Micro-controller)



Flash Deal Product - Display
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7'' HDMI Display with Capacitive Touchscreen
The screen supports Windows, Linux and MAC OS. It can be used on Lattepanda, Raspberry Pi and other HDMI device.
LCD12864 Shield for Arduino
With 5 analog extension pins and 8 digital pins, the LCD12864 Shield also integrates a 5-key joystick for controlling additional functions, making it an ideal module for prototyping and interactive projects.
I2C 16x2 Arduino LCD with RGB Backlight Display
It comes with RGB full color backlight, which has 16 million kinds of only needs 4 pins for the LCD display: VCC, GND, SDA, SCL.
I2C 16x2 Arduino LCD Display Module
This is an 16x2 LCD display screen with with I2C interface. It is able to display 16x2 characters on 2 lines, white characters on blue background.
LCD Keypad Shield V2.0
The Arduino LCD Keypad Shield V2 includes a 2x16 LCD display and 6 momentary push buttons.A simple Arduino library is provided to make screen driving easier.


Flash Deal Product - Micro-controller
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XBoard V2 -A Bridge Between Home And Internet
The XBoard will add wireless XBee control as well as internet connectivity to your projects. 
It's great for anything from home automation to robot control.
Gravity IO Expansion Shield for Arduino
the board includes power input for salvaged power supplies or laboratory power supplies. 
Very common Xbee socket for multipurpose wireless connectivity such as RF, wireless, bluetooth.
Gravity: IO Expansion & Motor Driver Shield
It combines IO Expansion Shield and DC Motor Driver Shield, equipped with Gravity sensor interface and TB6612FNG dual motor driver. 
It also has XBee socket, I2C interface and UART port.
RGB LED Strip Driver Shield v1.0
Want to program your RGB LED strip to be a bit more "rhythmic" or "unpredictive"? 
This RGB LED Strip Shield contains all the components you need to build a super cool RGB (or other three channel) LED project with your Arduino.
Accessory Shield for Arduino
This Accessory Shield for Bluno is specially designed for Bluno (BLE with Arduino Uno), 
which is first of its kind in intergrating BT 4.0(BLE) module into Arduino Uno.



July 11. (Enivronment Monitoring & Wireless Communication)



Flash Deal Product
- Enivronment Monitoring 
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Gravity:Analog Electrical Conductivity Meter
This Analog EC Meter is designed specially for Arduino controllers and 
has built-in simple, convenient and practical features.
Gravity: Digital Microwave Sensor
The microwave sensor applies the Doppler effect to detect moving objects using microwaves.
Gravity: Digital Peristaltic Pump
DFRobot peristaltic pump integrates a PPM motor driver on the pump. 
You can use Arduino, Raspberry Pi, micro:bit and other kinds of microcontrollers to control its direction and flow speed.
Gravity: Analog Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor- Corrosion Resistant
It is made of a corrosion resistant material. 
Insert it into soil and impress your friends with the real-time soil moisture data!
Gravity: DHT11 Temperature Humidity Sensor 
This DHT11 Arduino temperature and humidity sensor has a full range temperature compensation, 
low power consumption, long term stability and calibrated digital signal.


Flash Deal Product - Wireless Communication
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Beetle BLE 
The smallest Arduino bluetooth 4.0 (BLE)
The Beetle BLE offers a super tiny and low cost Arduino with bluetooth 4.0. 
The Beetle BLE can be used for disposable projects, such as DIY projects, workshops, gift projects, E-Textiles wearable and educational.
FireBeetle ESP32 IOT Microcontroller
(Supports Wi-Fi & Bluetooth)
FireBeetle Board - ESP32 integrates a Dual-Core ESP-WROOM-32 module, 
which supports MCU and Wi-Fi &Bluetooth dual-mode communication.
NFC Module for Arduino
This module provides an event for your processor 
when detects the NFC tags, stickers, key fobs, or cards via high speed serial uart.
ESP8266 Wifi Bee (Arduino Compatible)
ESP8266 arduino module has a powerful on-chip processing and storage capacity, 
built-in 32-bit processor, built-in Lwip protocol stack.
Bluno Nano 
An Arduino Nano with Bluetooth 4.0
Bluno Nano allows wireless programming via BLE, supports Bluetooth HID, 
supports AT command to config the BLE, and you can upgrade BLE firmware easily.