Arduino Mega 2560 and ESP32 Home Automation

DFRobot Jun 10 2019 261042

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Mega 2560 & Genuino Mega 2560 ×1

Espressif Generic ESP32 IC ×1

DFRobot Gravity: Analog LPG Gas Sensor (MQ5) For Arduino ×1

Seeed Grove - Water Sensor (Any water sensor should work) ×1

Development Kit Accessory, DC Motor (A small 5v dc motor) ×1

DHT22 Temperature Sensor ×2

Infrared Module (Generic) ×1

PIR Sensor, 7 m ×1

SG90 Micro-servo motor ×2

RFID reader (generic) ×1

Alphanumeric LCD, 16 x 2 ×1

Buzzer ×1

LED (generic) ×4

Resistor 100 ohm ×4

Jumper wires (generic) ×1

9V Power supply ×1

5V Power supply ×1

LIGHT sensor ×1

1N4001 – High Voltage, High Current Rated Diode ×1

Software apps and online services



This project, was created to see how I could implement the latest technology for home automation using different components and an Arduino Mega 2560.

Also I wanted to see how I can communicate with all the devices installed in this project from the distance using an ESP 32 development board, needed to control and monitor the home using Wi-Fi.

This project consists of two parts, first is the part where most of my sensors are controlled by Arduino Mega 2560, and the second part is where I monitor and control other components using ESP 32 development board and Blynk app, using Wi-Fi communication.

The components that are connected to Arduino Mega 2560 board are :

MQ 5 gas sensor, used to detect gas leakage in the house;

Buzzer, to alert us when we there is a gas leakage, a flooding, or a fire inside the house;

Water sensor used to detect any water leakage in the bathroom;

Fan or a 5v dc motor, used as a fan to reduce the temperature inside the house;

DHT 22 temperature and humidity sensor, used to monitor the temperature and humidity inside the house;

Flame sensor, used to detect a fire inside the house;

Pir sensor, used to detect movement inside the house;

Light sensor, used to detect the level of light inside the house;

Led, used to make light inside the house when is dark;

16x2 LCD with i2c interface, used to show some messages;

RFID, used to open or close the entrance door, depending on the access level of the user;

MG 90 S servo motor, used to open the entrance door, if a valid access card is used near the RFID.

The components that are connected to ESP 32 development board are :

DHT 22 temperature and humidity sensor, used to monitor the temperature and humidity inside the house, and to send all that data to Blynk application installed on our phone, to see in real time using Wi-Fi, what the temperature and humidity is inside the house;

MG 90 S servo motor, used to open the garage door from the distance with Blynk app;

Fan or a 5v dc motor, used to reduce the temperature inside the house at a push of a button using Blynk app.

All the parts required can be bought online from different companies.

Blynk app is free to use for a certain amount of devices, here is the link for more information

With the help of Arduino Mega 2560 development board i've build the following applications :

1. Application to detect a gas leakage, using MQ 5 gas sensor and the buzzer.

2. Application to detect a flooding in the bathroom, using water sensor module and the buzzer.

3. Application to maintain a certain temperature inside the house, using DHT 22 sensor and a 5v dc motor.

4. Application to detect fire inside the house, using an infrared sensor (fire sensor module), and a buzzer.

5. Application to turn on the lights inside the house automatically, if there is movement detected and is dark inside the house, using PIR sensor, and a light sensor.

6. Application to have access inside the house, using an RFID module, 16x2 LCD module with i2c interface and an MG 90 S servo motor.

Using ESP 32 development board i've build the following applications :

1. Application to see the temperature and humidity on the phone, using DHT 22 sensor and Blynk app;

2. Application to control the garage door from the phone, using MG 90 S servo motor and Blynk app;

3. Application to control the fan, in my case de 5v dc motor, using 5v dc motor and Blynk app.

Using all these applications any one can build a smart home to make their life better and more comfortable.

(This article copied from Author: IETI_Robert)