NEWS Maker Carnival

Free Tickets For Maker Faire NYC

DFRobot Sep 03 2014 259967


Dear friends of DFRobot, we are happy to announce the winner list of free tickets to the coming Maker Faire NYC. Yay. Congratulations to the followings:

Do you wanna be part of the Greatest Show (and Tell) on Earth? 
Do you wanna join the family-friendly festival of invention, creativity and resourcefulness? 
Do you wanna celebrate the maker movement with us? 

If yes, apply now for full entrance ticket. 

No matter who you are, DFRobot welcomes you to join the world’s greatest and coolest faire in New York this Sep! 
As a sponsor, we’ve got 10 complimentary guest tickets to share with you.

Please email [email protected] to apply for a free ticket. Here's the rules?

  • First come, first serve.
  • Each applicant can apply for 1 ticket (please provide the name & email address of the attendees).

This give-away starts right after this blog is posted. Apply asap :D

Maker Faire

Maker Faire is the Greatest Show (and Tell) on Earth—a family-friendly festival of invention, creativity and resourcefulness, and a celebration of the Maker movement.

Maker Faire is primarily designed to be forward-looking, showcasing makers who are exploring new forms and new technologies. But it’s not just for the novel in technical fields; Maker Faire features innovation and experimentation across the spectrum of science, engineering, art, performance and craft.

Maker Faire is a gathering of fascinating, curious people who enjoy learning and who love sharing what they can do. It’s a venue for makers to show examples of their work and interact with others about it. Many makers say they have no other place to share what they do. DIY (Do-It-Yourself) is often invisible in our communities, taking place in shops, garages and on kitchen tables. It’s typically out of the spotlight of traditional art or science or craft events. Maker Faire makes visible these projects and ideas that we don’t encounter every day.