1. Regular Discount for ALL Distributor Levels
2. Thanksgiving Cashback Reward Special (Nov.26 - Nov.29)
Except the regular discount, as our distributors you will be paid back on Thanksgiving.
The cash will be automatically returned to your DFRobot account and it can be used in placing your next order(s).
3. Interested in Becoming A Distributor?
To become our distributor, there are only 3 simple steps:
Step 1: Register in the website.
Step 2: Write an email to distributor@dfrobot.com, please explain your business in the email to help us know more about you.
Step 3: We'll Upgrade your customer group to distributor after processing your request.
4. Need more information?
Don't hesitate to contact us through store@dfrobot.com or distributor@dfrobot.com