Arduino Project 12: Interactive Adjustable RGB LED
Jun 05 2017262045
In Arduino Project 5: Color RGB LED, we learned about how to adjust an RBG LED to various colors. This time we will use this arduino starter kit to try to make it interactive by adding 3 potentiomters so that you can choose any color you want for your lighting at home.
Fig. 12-1 Interactive Adjustable RGB LED Circuit diagram
//Sample Code 12-1:
int redPin = 9; // R – digital 9 int greenPin = 10; // G – digital 10 int bluePin = 11; // B – digital 11 int potRedPin = 0; // potentiometer 1 – analog 0 int potGreenPin = 1; // potentiometer 2 – analog 1int potBluePin = 2; int potBluePin = 2; // potentiometer 3 – analog 2
void setup(){ pinMode(redPin,OUTPUT); pinMode(greenPin,OUTPUT); pinMode(bluePin,OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize the serial port } void loop(){ int potRed = analogRead(potRedPin); // read value from potentiometer of red LED int potGreen = analogRead(potGreenPin); // read value from potentiometer of green LED int potBlue = analogRead(potBluePin); // read value from potentiometer of blue LED int val1 = map(potRed,0,1023,0,255); //map the voltage value ranging from 0~ 1023 to analog value ranging from 0 ~255 int val2 = map(potGreen,0,1023,0,255); int val3 = map(potBlue,0,1023,0,255);
// print value of red, green and blues LEDs from serial port Serial.print("Red:"); Serial.print(val1); Serial.print("Green:"); Serial.print(val2); Serial.print("Blue:"); Serial.println(val3); colorRGB(val1,val2,val3); // configure the analog value for RGB LED } }
//define the colorRGB function void colorRGB(int red, int green, int blue){ analogWrite(redPin,constrain(red,0,255)); analogWrite(greenPin,constrain(green,0,255)); analogWrite(bluePin,constrain(blue,0,255)); } After uploading the sketch, you can change different combinations of red, green and blue colors on the RGB LED.
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