PROJECTS micro:bitBoson

Mobile Doorbell System with BOSON and micro:bit

DFRobot Jun 15 2017 260254

When you are sitting in the room to concentrate on the work, you suddenly have received a friend's massage,” he had pressed the doorbell many times, but no one to open the door”. Have you ever met such a thing?

Today we can use Micro:bit and BOSON to make a mobile doorbell, you can carry it in the house or put it in the area you often stay.

Functions of the mobile doorbell:

1. Remote information transfer, to achieve the mobile doorbell 

2. Sense the body, to achieve lighting in the dark

3. On the part of the outside, through the arrow, prompt to position of touching the doorbell. If touch, it will show "welcome".

4. When the signal is received, it will show “somebody” on the mobile part.


Micro:bit          X2

Bright Light LED   X1

Touch Sensor      X1

Motion Sensor    X1

Buzzer Module    X1

Connection Diagram:

Download the program:

Click the download button, the program will be saved to the MICROBIT disk.

a. The program for outside part:

b. The program to the mobile part:

Movable doorbell is done! Try it!

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