Beginner Kit for Arduino Mobile Application is now available on Google Play!

DFRobot Nov 29 2017 260688

EDITOR: Christy Kwon



DFRobot Beginner Kit for Arduino is designed specifically for those who are interested in learning about Arduino and electronics. This Arduino UNO R3(DFRduino UNO R3) based kit comes with 20 quality components. However, this kit has its limitations in its interface considering mobility and accessibility. 

On Oct 14, 2017, Mansur Kamsur, an Indonesian electronic and application developer, took initiative and resolved this interface problem by launching a Beginner Kit for Arduino application on Google Play. This application enables beginner users to conveniently learn Arduino without the use of PC or Laptop. Mansur Kamsur commented that “Beginner Kit for Arduino application has a very nice Interface, and it has the main feature of being able to compile and upload sketch to Arduino via USB, OTG or Bluetooth.” This means no matter where you are, you can practice coding with a simple click on your Smartphone. This all-in-one application contains Kit descriptions along with circuit drawings. In addition, it has integrated 15ready-to-do projects into this user interface. Mansur added “Beginner Kit for Arduino is relatively cheap when you consider its quality and the variety in sensors and modules.”


You can download this application at Google Play for free. And you can buy a kit separately at the DFRobot store.


Who is Mansur Kamsur?


Mansur Kamsur is an electronic-enthusiast, maker, hobbyist and an owner of Bluino Electronics. He started developing applications since 2015 to learn Arduino in a practical and easier way. He loves building his own electronic projects in his spare time; most of his applications are designed to support his projects. The Opensoure hardware market in Indonesia is dominated by Global brands such as DFRobot, Sparkfun and Adafruit. His dream is to establish an Indonesian open source hardware brand, and take a step forward to support domestic users by offering a affordable prototyping hardware.


Learn More about Beginner Kit For Arduino




This kit will guide you through the world of the sensing, controlling the physical world through sensors and arduino microcontroller via carefully designed project.