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NEWS Robotics

First DFRobot Sumo Robot Competition

DFRobot Jul 18 2013 265

Can this hot summer get any hotter? Join us in sumo robot competition!

After several days of preparation and a few hours of fierce matches, Wednesday 10th July marks a spectacular finals day of first DFRobot Sumo Robot competition. The robot Nevermore from the team won an exciting DFRobot Sumo Robot competition final against Silicon Crusher from Laowai team.

Last month, 13 members in DFRobot prepared the sumo robot match and 6 teams have been sated up.

  • The Titan 
  • Nevermore 
  • Kickass 
  • Silicon Crusher 
  • The Punisher 

After this video, you may know what the sumo robot game is. Do you want to make your own sumo robot?

About the Arena

  1. 80cm diameter circle
  2. White rings on a blue background, white cross in the Middle, white edges width 5cm. 

About the robot

  1. Mini robot chassis
  2. Adruino programming Self-control
  3. Motor : N20
  4. Wheels: two

Champion robot part list

  1. Mini robot chassis
  2. Romeo microcontroller
  3. Sharp IR sensor
  4. Liner Sensor
  5. 10cm IR switch sensor