Wearables Projects and Tutorials - DFRobot



Our Wearables blog page is a one-stop-shop for all things wearable technology. From projects and tutorials to news and selection guides, this page has everything you need to get started with creating your own wearable tech. Explore the page to discover the latest trends and techniques in this exciting field.

  • How to Make a Pet Wearable
    How to Make A Pet Wearable

    In this tutorial we will use an Arduino- Beetle BLE (The smallest Arduino bluetooth 4.0) to make a simple wearable device for your pet.

    PROJECTS BluetoothWearablesArduino
    Oct 26 2016
  • MIT Media Lab Create Breathing Fabric
    MIT Media Lab Create Breathing Fabric

    The team of MIT’s Tangible Media Lab have developed a new responsive “bio-skin” that expands to ventilate a wearer’s skin when perspiration is detected.

    PROJECTS Wearables
    Nov 04 2015
  • This Wearable Drum Machine is as Awesome as it Sounds
    This Wearable Drum Machine is as Awesome as it Sounds

    Collaborating with New York musician, Birdmask Ylenia Gortana has created a wearable drum machine while studying at Weissensee School of Art in Berlin.

    PROJECTS Wearables
    Mar 30 2015