
SEN0188 Fingerprint "Communication error"

userHead Account cancelled 2018-07-04 16:14:38 3790 Views1 Replies

I have SENO18 Fingerprint like this: ... alcow.html
I connected it with Arduino Micro acorrding to the instructions (connections as for photos in the attachment). Nexi I run enroll example and change pins number in line "SoftwareSerial mySerial(0, 1);" Next I upload the code to Arduino. When I use Adafruit Fingerprint Sensor Library v 1.1.0 then after running (in the serial port monitor) I have a message "Found fingerprint sensor!" (even when the sessor is physically unplugged!!!). Going forward, the next message is "Please type in the ID # (from 1 to 127) you want to save this finger as..." then i enter 12 for example. Then the sensor starts flashing in green light. Unfortunately, the next message is "Communication error". When I use Adafruit Fingerprint Sensor Library v 1.1.1 or v1.0.0 then after running I have a message ""Did not find fingerprint sensor" 
Can you help me?
best regards,

2018-07-19 17:15:33 Pin0,1 can not be used as software serial, you need to check other two available pins as the software pins on Arduino Micro. userHeadPic robert.chen