
ServoCds55 library for Digital dynamixel servo Shield : WORKING ANOTHER ID THAN 1 ??

userHead cecbucher 2018-07-05 17:24:44 2300 Views0 Replies

I have been playing around with the library ServoCd55 in order to control my dynamixels from the smart arduino shield.
Refencing to that example code: ... 5_Test.ino

How is it possible to work with an ID other than 1, since a Reset() has to be called whenever switching mode?
line 72: myservo.Reset(servoNum); //Only Dynamixel AX need this instruction while changing working mode

And here on this line, the comments describing what Reset() does...
line 76: myservo.Reset(servoNum);//Restore ID2 servo to factory Settings ( ID:1 Baud rate:1000000)

Please could you answer me? Did I dfrobot something?

Your help would be much appreciate!!
