
Problem getting stppermoter KIT0085 to work with Arduino romeo?

userHead Account cancelled 2018-07-10 01:51:18 2904 Views1 Replies

A while back we bought some wheelkits KIT0085.
Only now we wanted to start using them with our Arduino Romeo v2.
When i connect it all, with the interface etc, no matter what I do, the minute I connect the main motor power (12v DC), the motor starts to run full speed. I can do nothing to change that. Tried everything: I loaded the test program onto ardiuno. Even if not connected at all, the motor starts spinning. Am i doing something wrong?
I hope I can get this to work properly? MTA, Istvan
2018-08-01 18:53:24 What was the code you use, if you want to change the speed, you need to change the PWM value in the code. userHeadPic robert.chen