
Devastator Tank Mobile Platform Keyboard Control Issues

userHead Account cancelled 2018-07-31 08:34:38 3764 Views1 Replies
The Devastator Tank has issues related to wireless keyboard control. I bought the plastic TT DC gear motors version and I'm using a Raspberry Pi Zero W with the Cam Jam edukit robot controller board. The robot code works just fine and I can get it to turn and move forwards and backwards. The problem is that the keyboard won't work if the dongle is too close to the DC gear motors. I had to push it far away from the motors and it worked just fine. I assume that the motors are emitting radio frequencies causing interference with the wireless keyboard signals. Let me know how I can resolve this issue because I do not want to keep pushing the USB dongle just to get it to work.
2018-08-01 18:31:37 The motor may have affection to the wireless signal, you can make a support structure to push the dongle aside. userHeadPic robert.chen