
0.5" oled non-arduino

userHead Account cancelled 2018-08-06 07:29:47 1533 Views0 Replies
hi, having troubles getting the small oled to work with my custom nrf52382 board. A 1306 variant OLED works fine, and I wanted to try with this smaller version. I've gone through the ocell and ld7032 specifications. I've attached some brief test code and then the results of the 'spi.write' within the code.
thanks for any insight.
Code: Select all
#include <algorithm>
#include "mbed.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

#define KLED			LED1

DigitalOut led1(LED1);

#define KUARTBAUD		9600

#define KSPIBAUD    	1000000

#define KMOSI    	SPI_PSELMOSI0  //p06
#define KMISO    	SPI_PSELMISO0  //p07
#define KSCLK    	SPI_PSELSCK0 //p08


#define KOLEDCS      	P0_3
#define KOLEDRESET      P0_4
#define KOLEDDC         P0_5

DigitalOut reset(KOLEDRESET);
DigitalOut cs(KOLEDCS);
DigitalOut dc(KOLEDDC);

Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);

int main(void) {



	reset = 0;
	cs = 1;
	dc = 0;

	spi.format(8, 0);	// 8 Bit wide SPI and Mode (0 - 3)
	spi.frequency(KSPIBAUD);	// SPI speed in Hz

	// two methods of reset
#if 1  // by reset pin
	reset = 0;
	reset = 1;
	reset = 0;
	reset = 1;
#else // by oled command
	cs = 0;
	dc = 0;
	pc.printf("01 %d\n", spi.write(0x01));

	cs = 0;

	// standby off
	dc = 0;
	pc.printf("14 %d\n", spi.write(0x14));
	dc = 1;
	pc.printf("00 %d\n", spi.write(0x00));

	dc = 0;
	pc.printf("30 %d\n", spi.write(0x30));
	dc = 1;
	pc.printf("00 %d\n", spi.write(0x00));
	pc.printf("00 %d\n", spi.write(0x3b));

	dc = 0;
	pc.printf("30 %d\n", spi.write(0x32));
	dc = 1;
	pc.printf("00 %d\n", spi.write(0x00));
	pc.printf("00 %d\n", spi.write(0x1f));

	// draw image
	dc = 0;
	pc.printf("08 %d\n", spi.write(0x08));
	dc = 1;
	for (int i=0;i<255;i++) {
		pc.printf("-- %d\n", spi.write(i));
	// display on
	dc = 0;
	pc.printf("02 %d\n", spi.write(0x02));
	dc = 1;
	pc.printf("01 %d\n", spi.write(0x01));

	cs = 1;

	while (1) {
		led1 = !led1;

		// draw image
		cs = 0;
		dc = 0;
		dc = 1;
		for (int i=0;i<255;i++) {
		cs = 1;



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00 0
30 16
00 0
00 25
30 16
00 0
00 15
08 0
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-- 36
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