Forum >Adjustable Infrared Sensor Switch always ON/activated

Adjustable Infrared Sensor Switch always ON/activated

userHead Vincent14 2012-07-15 05:10:17 9364 Views6 Replies
Hello, (i'm french)

I meet a problem with the [url=]Adjustable Infrared Sensor Switch[/url] that you have in your shop.

Here the behavior of my robot ([url=]Turtle - 2WD Mobile Platform[/url]):
- When I load my program from the USB cable and I turn on my robot, everything goes well, the sensors react and activate the motors correctly,
- When I unplug my USB cord robot but it is still powered by batteries, the program continues to run smoothly, the robot rolls across the room and the sensors are working fine,
- But, if I take it in my hand (without USB powered) and I start the power on the battery, the sensors are always turned ON.

I think i've something similiar [url=]with this topic[/url]. This behavior is very strange: if it were interferences caused by motors, the problem should be permanent, no? Why does this not happen if I put my robot powered by the USB cable?

I asked a friend who also built a robot from the same kit, he encountered the same problem since a digital IR sensor from another manufacturer ("Telco" or "Teleco"), however it has never had a problem with an infrared SHARP sensor (analog).

What do you know about this problem? Is there a solution?

Thanks for your amazing support.
2012-07-20 14:48:23 Hello,

Sorry for no anwser, yes i use ni-cd chargeable batteries  :D I will try again with loaded batteries, perhaps my sensors are sensible to this parameter  :-\

I will post again if my problem persist, thanks  8)
userHeadPic Vincent14
2012-07-18 06:53:07 HI, another good try is to replace the battery. And are you using chargeable battery or standard alkaline battery? A chargeable battery (NiCd/Nimh) may provide more current than alkaline battery.

And if you are using chargeable  battery, make sure they are fully charged. 
userHeadPic R2D2C3PO
2012-07-18 02:13:19 I use the native batteries pack of the Turtle kit (5x AA LR6 1900mAH, 7.5V) and the 6xAA Battery Holder with DC2.1 Power Jack that you sold (6x AA LR6 2400mAH, 9V). I know the batteries used in the native pack are old.

About the current rating, i don't know  :-\
userHeadPic Vincent14
2012-07-16 19:52:07 Vincent,

what type of battery are you using? what is the voltage and current rating?

userHeadPic Hector
2012-07-16 02:16:45 Hello,

Thanks for your answer  :) I don't understand : my pins are not efficiently powered?
userHeadPic Vincent14
2012-07-15 18:19:18 The infrared sensor draws more current. Try another battery.Or try to supply individual power to the sensor will solve the problem. userHeadPic R2D2C3PO