
DF Mini Player Speaker

userHead Account cancelled 2018-10-19 09:16:08 1493 Views1 Replies
Hey, I just bought a couple DF Mini Players and hooked it up to a little 8Ohm .5W speaker that I have. Its not bad but I figured I could probably get a bigger speaker as I want to use this in a Halloween costume so it needs to be relatively loud. In the past I've used an externally powered speaker, but if I can get everything running off 1 battery that would be great!

The DF Mini Player only specifies up to 3 Watts. Another question has already been asked on this forum back in 2016 but I think it could be more specific:

From that question I know a 4 Ohm speaker at 3 watts will work, but the person also says an 8 Ohm at .5W would also work well. My question is, would buying a 4 Ohm speaker at 3 watts be louder than an 8 Ohm at .5W? Also I found an 8 Ohm speaker at 3 watts on ebay as well. How would that compare to what I already have.
2018-10-27 07:32:10 Using Ohm's law, it should be louder with 4ohm since it will be twice the current drawn compared to 8ohm. There's also a lot more to speakers than just the Watts. A good speaker will produce a lot of decibel with just a few watts where another will require 50x the power to achieve the same. A very rough rule of thumb, the heavier the better but go higher on the speaker vs what the amplifier can output. For a 3W amp, 5-10W speakers would be my minimum. Also don't think you'll get great sound with a cheap 5$ speaker. If you want more, you can always use a cheap class D amplifier from eBay and use the DAC L/R outputs and amplify that. As a bonus you get it in stereo! userHeadPic rhasta