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userHead the1laz 2015-02-02 17:01:22 13537 Views9 Replies
Hi, I tried to send my gerber files to [email protected] but got an "undeliverable" reply email. Is there somewhere else I can send them?
2020-07-09 12:14:50 we are sorry for that, we are fixing the problem. and you can email to [email protected]. thank you for your feedback. userHeadPic anonymous
2015-02-04 18:28:19
the1laz wrote:Thanks. I tried a different email address and it didn't work, but then when I replied to Ludrera's email it seemed to work.

sorry, it's my carelessness that"ludrera" should be ''ludvera", you can send to [email protected]
userHeadPic Leff
2015-02-03 17:42:39 :) fine, good luck userHeadPic Leff
2015-02-03 03:03:25 Thanks. I tried a different email address and it didn't work, but then when I replied to Ludrera's email it seemed to work. userHeadPic the1laz
2015-02-02 22:53:49 the1laz,

try [email protected] But if you keep getting this message, you might want to wait a couple of days
userHeadPic Jose
2015-02-02 22:50:56 hi?
oh, it's unbelievable except 'undelivable', since just now, that email address worked fine. so, could you leave your email to us, better two. we will try to contact with you.
userHeadPic Leff
2015-02-02 21:04:14 I just got the same message from that email address, it looks like it's a domain issue. Anywhere else I should send it? Or should I just wait? userHeadPic the1laz
2015-02-02 19:03:58 Great, thanks. userHeadPic the1laz
2015-02-02 18:29:14 hi,
we are sorry for that, we are fixing the problem. and you can email to [email][email protected][/email]. thank you for your feedback.
userHeadPic Leff