
LattePanda Windows 10 distribution

userHead khaled.saad 2018-11-20 21:52:59 3306 Views3 Replies
We have recently purchased a LattePanda board to build a prototype. The prototype was a success.
I have a question regarding Windows 10. The board comes pre-installed with Windows 10, are we allowed as a company to sell our solution with this windows installed?
We like the board and the pre-installed windows. We would like to keep it as is.
Is there any legal rules that prevent us as a company to ship the LattePanda as part of our product with the pre-installed windows version?
This is the only issue pending to go forward and purchase more LattePanda boards and go into production.
Thank you
2018-11-24 11:25:43 If you need any more of an answer I would assume it would not have to come from Microsoft not DFRobot or LattePanda as they would be the owners of the product in question. I do not have a number for LattePanda but you could try and ask them. userHeadPic catttdaddy2000
2018-11-21 23:32:57 Thank you for your reply. Is there a number I can call and talk to LattePanda sales and have my answer? userHeadPic khaled.saad
2018-11-21 07:19:57 Generally the Windows License is attached to the computer not a user. This means that you can not use copy windows on more than one PC unless you purchase a Retail License. It should not be a legal issue as long as you purchase the Windows with each device.

I must say that I just received my LattePanda Alpha and saw that the installed version of windows was "Windows 10 Pro Educational". This actually makes me question the legality of the windows installations that come on the LattePandas themselves... :?
If the windows installation is illegal from the retailer, I would assume they would absorb any legal issues that may come about as long as you do not break the license agreement yourself.
userHeadPic catttdaddy2000