Forum >Incoming Person Detector - Ultrasonic, Discreet.

Incoming Person Detector - Ultrasonic, Discreet.

userHead Account cancelled 2011-08-28 08:50:28 4449 Views1 Replies
I'd like to be able to detect people at between 2 and 4 meters, day or night, but I need to only pick up people moving TOWARDS the sensor, which I'd mount on a wall, above a doorway or window, at a height of about 2.5 to 3 meters ( out of easy reach? ). I can build a small controller if nothing available, or maybe use software plus a small palmtop PC or similar, if I can get hold of the signal output? I'd like to keep costs down if possible, as I'm not made of money! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated here? Derek...
2011-09-05 19:33:44 Hi Derek,

I'm not sure where you want to output the sensor data to. But I would suggest using an Arduino with an URM sensor. There are a few with different specifications. Look at the spec sheets and the wikis to help you find the one you need. As far as detecting when the person is coming or going, that is up to you to write the code.

userHeadPic Hector