
Sensor distance from microcontrolers

userHead Account cancelled 2018-11-25 19:40:53 2374 Views1 Replies
Hi All,
Is there any documentation about how far and which cable specification must be used to connect sensors (no one specific) to a microcontroler such as Arduino or Raspery PI?
I have been searching but no success by now.
in my projects I have been applying jump cable but in a totally empiric way. I just check whether there is enough signal in both ends of the cable to support sensor and microcontroler requirements and just it, but I would like to have on hand some more technical.
I will thank if you guys share something.


Reinaldo Lorenzato
2018-12-24 15:41:52 How long distance do you want to have and what sensors do you use? normally the jumper cable can not transmit far distance, maybe only several meters, if you want to have long distance transmission, you need to use specific method. userHeadPic robert.chen