Forum >How to properly disconnect from the Bluno using the iOS classes?

How to properly disconnect from the Bluno using the iOS classes?

userHead ipatch 2014-02-06 14:44:33 2880 Views2 Replies
I am working on iOS project that communicates with the Bluno using Bluetooth (BLE). I downloaded the Bluno Test App that is available from this site. The test app works as a great starting point for establishing communication with the Bluno. I am able to use the classes in that project and apply them to separate projects, and have been able to connect to the Bluno and send data to the device. :) (yay) However, I can't figure out how one would properly disconnect, and then reconnect to the device. When I dismiss / dispose of my viewcontroller and set the BlunoManager object to nil the device disconnects, but when I try to load the view again, the device does not reconnect. I was wondering if anyone here had experience with this sort of behavior.
2014-02-11 20:06:45 Hello Again Ipatch,

Take a look at this function:
- (void)disconnectToDevice:(DFBlunoDevice*)dev;

in DFBlunoManager.h

From the source you already downloaded ( sorry I didn't get it earlier )

I heard new source code will be available soon, and posted on the the product description page

But i encourage you to check out this link as it seems to have some information:

Did you manage to get around the connection issue?
userHeadPic Jose
2014-02-09 21:21:43 Hello Ipatch,

I believe in our example app there is some information about it. I can try to dig out the exact line, but i'm not exactly familiar  with the BlunoManager object.

It is my understanding that the example code is available online.

userHeadPic Jose