
Air Quality Monitor : (SKU: SEN0233) sensor values don't appear in Serial Monitor

userHead lucas.alayrac 2019-01-06 21:51:27 3980 Views1 Replies
I have some problems to display the sensor values. I don't LCD screen, just the serial monitor of Arduino IDE.
I used "Arduino Uno Wifi" with Expansion shield v7.1.
I used code of the wiki documentation, the differents step that I followed :

1. switch PROG/RUN of IO Expansion Shield to PROG
2. Upload
3. Switch IO Expansion Shield to RUN
4. Open Serial Monitor but nothing is displayed :(

nota: if I stay in RUN position and I upLoad, an error appears:
"avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding"

Thanks for your help :) !
2019-01-07 15:00:41 Did you use the software serial? UNO wifi only have one serial port. userHeadPic robert.chen