
Does the display DFR0550 5'' requires extra setup?

userHead zeca_jcmr 2019-01-11 04:56:17 2030 Views2 Replies
I recently came across dfrobot screen, link, and before I acquire one I would like to know if it works out of the box. With this I mean if it is just plug and play or if it needs extra setup/drivers in order to work with the raspberry pie?
2019-02-04 00:20:14 Just got one and its very easy to plug and it works very well, I'm glad with the product.
I have another question about if it is possible to remove the wheel potentiometer that comes in the screen to turn up and down the brightness of the screen? I would like to place this wheel in another part of my project. Thanks.
userHeadPic zeca_jcmr
2019-01-11 10:02:23 This screen uses DSI interface, you can directly plug and play, you don't need to have any setup. userHeadPic robert.chen