
Analog Ph Meter Pro not reading properly

userHead Account cancelled 2019-01-26 12:24:19 1973 Views1 Replies
I just received my new analog pH Meter Pro with industrial electrode (SKU:FIT0348) and have a couple of questions.

1) Are there any instructions available in English?

2) Is the glass/plastic cover supposed to be left on when taking a reading, or is that a cover that should be removed first? Videos I've seen look like they leave it on, although i'm not sure how the electrode would come in contact with the sample fluid being measured without removing it first (but don't want to break the meter by trying to remove it without asking first). Your website doesn't say anything about removing it, but I've taken some sample reads with the cap on, but the sample reads never vary far from 7.51, regardless of whether the probe is sitting in water or just sitting out on the desk exposed to air, so it does make me think maybe it's a cap that needs to be removed. The readings do seem to vary slightly when I wave it around in the air.

Thanks in advance for your answers. I look forward to using this probe.
2019-01-28 10:13:56 Hi
The wiki instructs about how to use the sensor ... U:FIT0348), of course, you need to remove the cover and then measure the pH.
userHeadPic robert.chen