
Software Interface for KnowFlow ?

userHead jghielme 2019-02-02 14:59:50 2953 Views2 Replies
I have set up the hardware and uploaded the firmware to the Arduino.

Is there an app or GUI for the sensors in the kit. I see the Arduino side of things but no interface.

What am I missing?

2019-02-03 14:38:59 Actually, glad to hear it. Have already begun development of a GUI but wanted to double check before I spent too much time doing gound-up development. Thx! userHeadPic jghielme
2019-02-02 16:57:04 There is no app or GUI for this kit, you can start with check the serial monitor to see if the kit is good to use, if you need an app or GUI, you need to develop the software by yourself. userHeadPic robert.chen