
MaQueen Robot - Not so simple movement test it ssems

userHead anonymous 2019-02-20 03:16:53 8210 Views9 Replies

Just received my MaQeen today & must say it is a great platform to learn robotics

I have run through all the examples on the WIKI with no problems BUT.....

I have defined 2 functions in MakeCode, for forward & backwards
My aim was to just have the robot go forward for a set time then backward for the same time & repeat

However when i download the code it only goes forward!
This also happens if don't use functions & just use the motor blocks

Could someone please advise me where my error lies?
2019-03-01 17:53:55 The Mind+ supports micropython now, but there is no Mind+ for Linux, you can program python in Mind+. userHeadPic robert.chen
2019-02-28 07:54:09 I run Linux & can't seem to find a version of Mind+ for my operating system

The wiki for the Maqueen states that Python support is coming - any idea how long before this happens

Is there a list of which pins on the Micro:Bit control what devices on MaQueen please so that i can program it from standard Python IDE?
userHeadPic anonymous
2019-02-25 09:56:42 You can consider to use Mind+, it supports Maqueen with Python. userHeadPic robert.chen
2019-02-22 19:09:54 Is there a list of which pins on the Micro:Bit control what devices on MaQueen please ? userHeadPic anonymous
2019-02-22 11:05:46 Since Microbit support programming with Python, it is the same that you can program in Python for Microbit to control Maqueen. userHeadPic robert.chen
2019-02-22 05:50:38 it appears that a delay of AT LEAST 292ms is needed when changing motor direction
If the delay is any shorter then the motor(s) will not reliably change the direction of rotation

Once again Robert , many thanks for letting me know
Now i am aware of this motor safety feature i can try to ensure that i allow for this in any future projects

I must say that this is one of the best , if not the best , Micro:Bit robot learning platforms available. From the ease of construction through to the potential for expanding the range of attached sensors my thanks to the team that designed this!

Any idea when you will be publishing info on support for programming in python?
userHeadPic anonymous
2019-02-21 10:56:41 Normally to keep the motors in good condition, we can not directly give a back rotation directly after the forward rotation, this may cause the motor broken, so we'd like to give a stop between forward and backward. userHeadPic robert.chen
2019-02-21 05:54:05 Dear Robert

I have doen as you suggested see the following code....

this does indeed seem to cure the problem

I will investigate further over the next couple of days but it does appear to me that you must use the Motor-Stop-All block BEFORE issuing another movement command otherwise the motor(s) seem to just continue in the direction they were rotating prior to the next movement command.

I think this is a software issue rather than hardware so maybe if this turns out to be the case the guys at DFRobot can advise us further?

I am really grateful for your suggestion as i was beginning to think that maybe i had a faulty MaQueen

I will keep you up to date on my findings if you are interested


userHeadPic anonymous
2019-02-20 11:08:01 How about define a stop function between forward and backward, and let Maqueen go forward for 1s and stop for like 0.5s then move backward for 1s? userHeadPic robert.chen