
Maqueen dead motors

userHead GastonLagaffe 2019-03-29 23:14:10 4370 Views3 Replies
Salut, I just unpacked the Maqueen robot and put it together. When I download code from the wiki, the LED, the Ultrasonic and other code works. But when I try to drive the motors like the first example, thre is nothing happening. There is not much to do wrong but battery is plugged in with three AAAs and power light is on, The MicroBit is ok, is seen as drive, accepts the hex files and executes them. Do I have a dead robot?

Ciao, Mathias
2019-03-30 01:00:58 Found the issue: one of the batteries failed, so there was enough voltage to drive the leds but not the motors. Fresh new batteries inserted and the robot is alive!
Ciao, Mathias
userHeadPic GastonLagaffe