
BEST DFrobot Mega board

userHead paul2d3d 2019-04-29 22:57:46 3384 Views3 Replies
DFrobot make a number of MEGA boards, which is the best to use with a robot projects (lots of serov's and four DC motors etc) alone with the dfrobot DF Mega Multi -Arduino Mega Expansion shield board

You can not give to much information, any books or good reading data on DFboard

Thanks for you help
2021-01-06 03:21:07 Nice post userHeadPic gerorge102
2021-01-04 19:48:26 I know they are making the numbers of the reboots which can be used in but the question is, are they supportive for the multi-tasking in the meantime. Please find the required information from any book or online search and provide it over here so a buyer can easily read it. userHeadPic mafepiy188
2019-05-17 16:40:07 Each product has a detailed description and instructions, we called WIKI, at the bottom of the product page. In addition to arduino's official products, there are many infro on arduino's official website. userHeadPic techsupport