
DFPlayer Errors -- HELP PLEASE!

userHead Account cancelled 2019-06-01 04:23:38 2073 Views1 Replies

I'm having various errors with the DFPlayer mini module.

First, for some reason,
Code: Select all;
plays the third file in the sd card. The files are within folders(named '0001-(name)' and so on), and within each folder, there are two .mp3 files (named '0001-(name)' and '0002-(name)'). For some reason, the previous line plays SD: /0002-(name)/0001-name.

Code: Select all
myDFPlayer.playFolder(1, 1);

always ends in "DFPlayer Error:Cannot Find File"

And third, I want to know the reason for the Time Out. For some reason, my code ends in time out all of a sudden.

I found no explanation online for these issues.

All of this was tested using the "GetStarted" code, albeit modifying just a line or two, depending on what to test. If something is not clear, ask and I'll provide more of the code.

Thank you very much!