
Digital Infrared Motion Sensor SEN0018 Not Working?

userHead lannshine 2019-06-03 15:00:10 4994 Views4 Replies
I am trying to use the motion sensor with ATmega 1284 chip but unable to get it to work properly.

Basically I have the the digital pin output connected to an input pin on the micro controller and I connected an LED to one the output pin. I set the LED to light up when the motion sensor has "low" output (when detecting motion), and I set the LED to turn off when the motion sensor has "high" input. If there is no input, the LED will stay off.

However, if I put the motion sensor in a still cardboard box, the LED just flashes on and off, seemingly at the latency interval (I turned the potentiometer all the way counter clockwise). Isn't the LED supposed to just stay off though in this case since there is nothing moving inside the box? I have the jumper selection at high.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
2019-06-12 00:12:02 Hi. Nana Wang, I faced this problem too, when integrating the sensor into a smart lock as they do in this post. I have adjusted the remaining time by the knob in the back, but the sensor still not working. Is there anything I can do? userHeadPic lindawebber470
2019-06-05 14:54:38 wrote:
Tue Jun 04, 2019 1:28 am
Hi, thanks for your support.
Have you check the wiki?
If not, please check it first
Hi, yes I have done that.

At each detection interval, only if the sensor detects something then the digital output pin will go low right? Apparently my sensor doesn't do that... How can it detect anything when in a cardboard box?
userHeadPic lannshine