
Trouble shooting: Capacitive Touch Kit For Arduino DFR0129 keypad '0' not working

userHead megayeti 2019-06-05 13:21:57 2313 Views2 Replies
Hi I just received a Capacitive Touch Kit For Arduino DFR0129 and following the schematic diagrams and launched each of the examples on an Arduino Uno and then on an Adafruit Lora M0 Feather. In both cases everything compiles and runs as expected. For all three sensors everything is working perfectly except on the capacitive touch num keyboard the '0' does not activate a response. The key pad doesn't look in any way defective is there a recommended way of debugging what could be the issue?
2019-06-06 12:01:43 Thanks for linking the docs. I did resolve the issue. It's an easy fix. In the MPR121 example keypad line 41 there is a typo. It should read `if(key>=0){` as the return from `key=CapaTouch.keyPad();` is -1 if no key is pressed. The current code in your example reads `if(key>0){` so the key `0` is ignored.
I updated the example code and everything works great.
userHeadPic megayeti