Bluno General Arduino

Bluno Beetle BLE and Blynk?

userHead treii28 2019-06-23 06:48:30 3505 Views2 Replies
I seem to be having a hard time getting Bluno Beetle to work with the Blynk software. I see that there is an example for the regular Bluno board so I used it as a base point to build a symple Blynk listener sketch and it seemed to compile and upload fine in platformio as ATMEGA328P board type. I have confirmed via the serial port that the code is running, but on the serial port, I see control characters and the blynk AppId being sent periodically as though it's being sent to tx/rx serial rather than the bluetooth serial.

How do I tell the code to direct the serial data at the BLE serial port on the cc2540?
2019-07-03 03:56:42 I'm not having a hard time uploading the sketch. The sketch uploads fine. I'm able to do things like blink the built-in led to confirm this. I have also connected a brighter LED to D2 and confirmed I can blink that from a sketch and tied a piezo wafer to D5 and run a tone() sketch to play notes out of it successfully. The problem comes in when I try to incorporate blynk with the code. I pair the bluno to the phone, go into blink, add a BLE widget and it won't connect. Thus the controls from blynk won't work for anything on the beetle.
I tried using regular bluetooth as well, and it will connect from blynk but then doesn't seem to control anything - not even directly turning on D2 with my LED on it.
userHeadPic treii28