Forum >Proximity Sensor not sure if it's working
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Proximity Sensor not sure if it's working

userHead seize.the.night 2015-12-25 21:30:00 8066 Views4 Replies
Working through the when do Tute and it doesn't react to anything being sat in front of it??? Any ideas??

Basically using

Proximity==True, move forward speed 80 delay 2, followed by move forward speed 0 delay 0
2016-01-21 19:00:25 Vortex has no front sensor. It has left and right sensor. When these two sensors are triggered, vortex will consider there is something in the front of it. So try to use cover its eyes with hands but finger. userHeadPic R2D2C3PO
2016-01-21 18:26:32 Proximity Sensors are infrared emitters and sensors, located in the black part in the front of vortex.

They respond to white objects better. Try use paper.

seize.the.night wrote:Working through the when do Tute and it doesn't react to anything being sat in front of it??? Any ideas??

Basically using

Proximity==True, move forward speed 80 delay 2, followed by move forward speed 0 delay 0
userHeadPic Xia Rex
2016-01-13 18:31:05 Hi seize.the.night, thank you for posting on the forum.

We are sorry you are having problems with your new vortex. I have forwarded this issue to the tech support team who will see if we can find a solution for the middle sensor issue. We will post in this thread when we have one.
userHeadPic Maht
2015-12-25 22:09:45 After more experimentation I can see that the left and right proximity sensors work very well, and so can use them in tandem. Strange the front sensor continues to be unresponsive.

Left and right sensors are towards the front anyway so happy either way.
userHeadPic seize.the.night