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Firebeetle ESP32 - json-link for board integration into Arduino IDE is boken/very slow

userHead Account cancelled 2019-07-13 01:21:25 14260 Views7 Replies
To integrate the Firebeetle ESP32 into the Arduino IDE you need to add an additonal Board to the Board manager. Therefore go in File->Preferences, find Additional Boards Manager URLs.

Now the Wiki says I should add
https://git.oschina.net/dfrobot/FireBee ... index.json
But the server behind this URL is damn slow so that I (from Europe) not able to load/integrate the Firebeetle board in my Arduino IDE.

Any ideas to solve that?
2020-10-18 02:01:14 The last link http://download.dfrobot.top/FireBeetle/ ... index.json is (currently?) not working (404 - file not found). I tried this one:
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DFRob ... index.json
but this does not work either...
userHeadPic anonymous
2019-12-20 05:00:05 This last link did not appear to work, I entered the link in preferences and clicked OK. Then went to board manager but I never see downloading nor do I see the beetle in the list. userHeadPic paulmcde
2019-08-28 09:37:13 I have the same problem - just received the Firebeetle_ESP32 from DFRobot and followed the instructions to add the board to the IDE Boardmanager.

What I receive is: Error downloading https://gitee.com/dfrobot/FireBeetle-ES ... index.json

I tried:
https://git.oschina.net/dfrobot/FireBee ... index.json
https://gitee.com/dfrobot/FireBeetle-ES ... index.json

Always the same problem
And the GitHub link you posted does not show a Json file.
userHeadPic A.stegmaier