

userHead rioyuela 2019-07-13 06:01:25 3348 Views3 Replies
I have been using the SEN0156 Rotary_switch, with Arduino UNO, with next analog readings (560,630,710,770,820,850,870,890,914,930,945,960) so it works fine, and now I am trying to use it with ARDUINO 101, but I notice that readings are (780,915,1008,1023,1023,1023,1023,1023,1023,1023,1023,1023), this means that 9 of the 12 positions are 1023, and no modifications can be read. what could be happenning?, how can I solve it?
2019-07-19 06:54:04 Thanks, it works, I used the 3.3v output from the arduino 101, do you know any sensor shield for the 101 that send 3.3v instead of 5v in the ADC? userHeadPic rioyuela