
IR Cam axis exchanged

userHead jb82fr 2019-09-02 09:51:11 4848 Views19 Replies
Hi guys,
I recently bought 2 Gravity: IR Positioning Camera For Arduino, and they both have a big issue.
When I read the data from the axis are exchanged, X is Y, and Y is X.
Also the viewing angle is narrower than it should be.
The cam is not upside down or tilted.
I get the data from the DF IR library, and from the IR Cam example you can download here.
Does anyone of you know if the hardware was changed recently?
Is it just a bad series, or bad library?
2019-09-14 12:28:42 By the way, even if I was tilting the sensor, it wouldn't give the same result as the video I sent you. In case you didn't realized, it's not only tilted, one axis is also reversed. So your explanation doesn't make sense. userHeadPic jb82fr
2019-09-14 12:28:42 By the way, even if I was tilting the sensor, it wouldn't give the same result as the video I sent you. In case you didn't realized, it's not only tilted, one axis is also reversed. So your explanation doesn't make sense. userHeadPic jb82fr
2019-09-14 12:26:10 For the last time, like I said in all my previous messages, no, my camera is NOT oriented wrong, I checked that 10 times already, and I am even hold it by hand to be sure to see the TOP mark at the TOP.
I will make a video to show you the marker AND the messed up axises to show you if I have time, but I honestly have other more important things to do that debating with you about that.
I'm a professional engineer, not some dumb kid trying to do a home project, so please stop losing my time.
userHeadPic jb82fr
2019-09-14 12:26:10 For the last time, like I said in all my previous messages, no, my camera is NOT oriented wrong, I checked that 10 times already, and I am even hold it by hand to be sure to see the TOP mark at the TOP.
I will make a video to show you the marker AND the messed up axises to show you if I have time, but I honestly have other more important things to do that debating with you about that.
I'm a professional engineer, not some dumb kid trying to do a home project, so please stop losing my time.
userHeadPic jb82fr
2019-09-11 09:39:18 It's the same on both of my camera, but other people are telling me other of their axises are reverse...
There is definitely something wrong in your production line.
userHeadPic jb82fr
2019-09-11 09:39:18 It's the same on both of my camera, but other people are telling me other of their axises are reverse...
There is definitely something wrong in your production line.
userHeadPic jb82fr
2019-09-11 09:36:26 The using method? What do you mean?
I am using your code. I checked the axises many times, the Y is on X and the X is -Y
That's the data I get directly from your library too, I don't modify it in any way.
userHeadPic jb82fr
2019-09-11 09:36:26 The using method? What do you mean?
I am using your code. I checked the axises many times, the Y is on X and the X is -Y
That's the data I get directly from your library too, I don't modify it in any way.
userHeadPic jb82fr
2019-09-02 22:25:05 Just in case, I made a video showing the issue for the sample processing sketch you provided:
The cam is correctly oriented (top sign at the top), and nothing is modified in your code.
I tried to swap the axis, but it makes the viewing angle even worse.
It doesn't seem to be fixable on a software level, if that's the case is it possible to do a RMA?
userHeadPic jb82fr
2019-09-02 22:25:05 Just in case, I made a video showing the issue for the sample processing sketch you provided:
The cam is correctly oriented (top sign at the top), and nothing is modified in your code.
I tried to swap the axis, but it makes the viewing angle even worse.
It doesn't seem to be fixable on a software level, if that's the case is it possible to do a RMA?
userHeadPic jb82fr
2019-09-02 09:51:11 Hi guys,
I recently bought 2 Gravity: IR Positioning Camera For Arduino, and they both have a big issue.
When I read the data from the axis are exchanged, X is Y, and Y is X.
Also the viewing angle is narrower than it should be.
The cam is not upside down or tilted.
I get the data from the DF IR library, and from the IR Cam example you can download here.
Does anyone of you know if the hardware was changed recently?
Is it just a bad series, or bad library?
userHeadPic jb82fr