
DFR0524 5.5" OLED Touch Screen V2.0 - Controller not detected

userHead brett 2019-09-02 11:41:43 6668 Views1 Replies

Finally had one of these delivered from Mouser Electronics.

I have followed the Wiki ... %20DFR0524 re. connection to a Raspberry Pi

The display works fine, but I cannot get the touch function to work. The device doesn't even appear in the output of the lsusb command on the Pi or any other computer.

I tried the instructions for shorting the "boot" jumper in order to flash the firmware however that doesn't make any difference. Even the flash tool says it can't find a device to program.

Can anyone confirm whether I have done something wrong, or should I just return it to Mouser as faulty?
2019-09-02 11:45:07 Never mind - seems the USB cable from the Pi to the Display was faulty. Fixed now. userHeadPic brett