
Cannot build pxt-motor-master for Micro:bit Driver Expansion Board

userHead PaulLangemeijer 2019-11-20 21:16:35 7414 Views7 Replies
How can I make the Graphical block software available for the Micro:bit Driver Expansion Board?

I download the software from:
But there is no information on how to use this software.

So I tried something:
I installed pxt with: npm install -g pxt
Next: pxt build

Error message:
Cannot find node_modules/pxtcli.json nor pxtarget.json
Couldn't find PXT; maybe try 'pxt target microbit'?

What did I do wrong?
2019-12-13 16:02:23 Hi,
it's already fixed when I add the extension by putting the link. But in case of being offline if the downloaded files are used, indicate the error shown above.
userHeadPic enrique_albert
2019-12-12 22:12:38 Hi, all
Please need help.
I have this board (MicroBit Drive expansion board V2)...I downloaded the extension DFRobot pxt motor. I try to install but I'm not sure which file I should select. it is installed (DF-motor) by selecting MAIN, but it gives me an error when not finding the name of the M1 motor, etc.
please see images.

thanks in advance
userHeadPic enrique_albert
2019-11-21 14:33:12 Thank you. That works!
It would be nice to describe this in the tutorial of this board ( ... KU_DFR0548) and on GitHub as well.
userHeadPic PaulLangemeijer