Forum >Problem with USB

Problem with USB

userHead shadow100 2016-04-24 13:34:49 1487 Views3 Replies

I bought a DFRduino UNO and i worked well with him.

Today i got a problem. The usb stopped working.

When i plug in the L light and the on light turn on, but i cant select serial port in the arduino IDE and my pc cant find the dfrduino. I tried dfrduino of my friends and they worked well in my pc.

I think my usb is broken, it is easy to repair?

Thank you, sorry for my english
2016-04-26 02:09:47 Hi shadow100,

If the some components on board get very hot once connected USB cable, you also have to replace that defective components.
userHeadPic Leff
2016-04-26 01:09:47 Hi,

No, i tried my friends dfrduinos in my pc and it works. My dfrduino didnt work in my friends pcs.

Thank you for your reply, but i think i found the problem. My dfrduino usb port probably burned, so i think replacing the usb port will fix the problem ;)
userHeadPic shadow100
2016-04-25 19:57:41
shadow100 wrote:Hi,

I bought a DFRduino UNO and i worked well with him.

Today i got a problem. The usb stopped working.

When i plug in the L light and the on light turn on, but i cant select serial port in the arduino IDE and my pc cant find the dfrduino. I tried dfrduino of my friends and they worked well in my pc.

I think my usb is broken, it is easy to repair?

Thank you, sorry for my english

hello there, thanks for the post, sorry to hear you are having issues.

let me repeat the problem back to you to make sure i understand it correctly:

you have used the dfrduino uno with your pc and it worked, and then suddenly stopped
you can't select a serial port and your pc doesnt detect it anymore
you have tried it on your friends pc and it worked?

several things to try if you havent already:
- try a different usb cable
- try an alternative usb port
- uninstall and reinstall arduino drivers

if the problem persists reply here and we can help further

hope this helps
userHeadPic Maht