Forum >Do The capacitive touch sensor can track movement (dfr0030)
Do The capacitive touch sensor can track movement (dfr0030)

I was wondering if the capaticitive touch sensor can detect movement in the surface or it only detect when touched and untouched, I'm searching to know if it's going to be possible to use it as a pad.
Most thankful for an answer.
Most thankful for an answer.
2016-04-27 02:58:38 As I say, I'm new so maybe I'm missunderstanding something but in the wiki say "Easily recognitive interfaces of sensors ("A" for analog and "D" for digital)", doesn't it means that can be used as analog?

2016-04-26 23:57:27 Hi ecangis,
On the wiki, it is written as a digital one, so it can only detect whether there is a finger on the touch zone...may I know where did you find the analog description?
On the wiki, it is written as a digital one, so it can only detect whether there is a finger on the touch zone...may I know where did you find the analog description?

2016-04-26 12:52:31 I don't want to be a pain in The... You get The expresion, but according to the wiki, it has the option to be used as analog as much as digital, and it actually have three pin exit, couldn't it be put in analog and get a different entry or something?? I'm kind of new.

2016-04-25 19:47:56 hello there, thanks for the post,
As this is a digital sensor it only has two outputs, so it can only be used as a switch...sorry!
Hope this helps
As this is a digital sensor it only has two outputs, so it can only be used as a switch...sorry!
Hope this helps