
DFPlayer autoplay/repeat

userHead Account cancelled 2019-12-08 18:51:43 3827 Views2 Replies

I'd like to use a DFPlayer standalone without Arduino.

The SD card will be loaded with a single MP3 file.

I'm looking for a way to get the module to autoplay when powered and to autorepeat the track when playback is over until shutdown.

Is it possible to get the module to work that way ? If yes, how ?

2020-12-17 05:00:41 I like the DFR0534 but I am not sure it can do the " autorepeat the track when playback is over until shutdown" the OP asked for.
Please correct me if I am wrong but the DFR0534 need to get a serial signal to play or loop a certain track. that serial signal must come from an other micro controller.
Or can the DFR0534 be set to start play with just power connected?

userHeadPic stephan