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Why nothing display on serial monitor?

userHead JJ 2014-11-10 00:57:59 5237 Views4 Replies

Hi all,

I had been interface the GPS/GSM/GPRSv3 shield with Uno. I powered them with a power adapter range from 7.5-9V with 350mA . I got few doubts with that. :'(

1)I cannot display AT command on serial monitor. Initially, I have ever seen it display one time by showed [ +CFUN=unpin.... GPS ready]. Afterward, no more AT command display whatever I upload the program to UNo and restart the shield few times. May I ask what is your opinion with that? I follow the instruction given in wiki
/ # Steps:
// #        1. Turn the S1 switch to the Prog(right side)
// #        2. Turn the S2 switch to the USB side(left side)
// #        3. Set the UART select switch to middle one.
// #        4. Upload the sketch to the Arduino board(Make sure turn off other Serial monitor )
// #        5. Turn the S1 switch to the comm(left side)      
// #        6. RST the board 
even I follow the intruction
I really curious what wrong with that...

2)I found article, it mentioned needs unplug the shield every time we upload program to arduino board? Is that true? But I believe it is troublesome if really do so. How do you think that? the link is below. ... 0/issues/1#

3) Every time when I plug the power adapter from 7.5V to 12V, the NET led blinking frequency is different, the higher voltage the faster it was. In addition, my shield got one component get hot slowly. Is that a common sign for it? the component is think should is voltage regulator for that shield. Is your shield also had this sign before?

Hope can hear someone explanation as soon as possible. Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

2014-11-25 08:46:47 Hi all,

Thanks for reply.I can send the message to phone via the GPS/GPRS/GSM shield with inserted SIM card. I still using the 7.5V,350mA powers supply. However, from the 5-6 times trying, only 2 times success.I suspect should be the sim card line not good or what?  :-\

next,since I want tested the shield's GPS fucntion at outsdoor. I require a portable power supply. May I ask is the portable battery of 9V sufficient to supply the combination of  GPS/GPRS/GSM shield and Arduino Uno R3 apart from the recommended Lithium battery charger?  If I want interface them with LCD as well, is 9V sufficient too?

Thanks for prompt reply. Best regards,
userHeadPic JJ
2014-11-20 20:21:04
JJ wrote: Hi,

I finally get the AT command on the Cool Term ;D. May I ask is the CoolTerm, HyperTerminal, Serial Monitor on Arduino are consider AT command testers?
No, those are Serial terminal software, however often they do have some other features as well. AT commands are just text system settings via Serial port.
JJ wrote: I used a power of 7.5V/350mA... All the STAT, NET and PWR leds works fine.
I think 350mA might not be enough. Specially if you are powering up Arduino and some other devices attached to it. You probably want to increase that.

However, seems the module is functional. Check that the serial settings are well, if it's jumpers or the switch. While you upload a new sketch, you need to disable this to let the upload work. However, when you put it back to work, you need to change the switch again, or jumpers, depending on your board version.

userHeadPic Jose
2014-11-18 18:53:41 Hi,

I finally get the AT command on the Cool Term ;D. May I ask is the CoolTerm, HyperTerminal, Serial Monitor on Arduino are consider AT command testers?

However, I cannot really send a message to my friend's phone via the tutorial codes given in codes which given in WIKI. I took out my phone's SIM CARD and insert the slot, it should be fine since been activated and have credits too. But end up it shows me an error.
How to Send a message

Send:AT+CMGF=1 (set the message to text format)
Send:AT+CMGS="XXXXX" (xxxx is the number of receiver )
After you see ‘>’ then type the message you want to send
press 'ctrl+z'(If you want to cancel, you can press ESC) Note that this step depends on the Serial software used and its configuration!

and even drive the GSM Mode via Arduino board also cannot send the message. It shows me
  but my friend's phone still not receive my message yet. However, I manage to get a call to phone.

I used a power of 7.5V/350mA... All the STAT, NET and PWR leds works fine.

May I ask what is the problems actually? Thanks reply.
userHeadPic JJ
2014-11-10 18:26:55 Hello JJ

What is the status of two indicator leds "STAT" "NET".
STAT led should be light, when it works.
6. RST the board
When you open your IDE monitor, if you find the STAT led is off, please press RST button; if you find it is on,it doesn't need.
Have you checked the video? ...

It is a simple SMS example.
userHeadPic Grey.CC