Forum >Plans for DFR0351 board Bluetooth F/W?
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Plans for DFR0351 board Bluetooth F/W?

userHead empty3teen 2016-11-17 13:01:41 4574 Views9 Replies
I would like to use the Romeo BLE mini for an existing open-source model train control project. So I am wondering if there will be Bluetooth F/W update coming that will allow the board to “pair” and created a serial connection on a Bluetooth-PC? Thank you!!!
2016-12-08 22:26:54 You are OK, Bob :)
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our products :D
userHeadPic Angelo.Qiao
2016-12-08 03:26:16 The problem is my “?good deal?” Android tablet! I should not have assumed that it had bluetooth 4.x just because it had android 4.x.x. Thank you for your help and patients with my lack of bluetooth knowledge!!!
userHeadPic empty3teen
2016-12-07 18:49:26 Hi,
Could you give me a link of your Android device? Actually normal bluetooth speaker use Bluetooth 2.0 instead of 4.0. Is it possible that this tablet does not carry a Bluetooth 4.0 module?
It seems that the BLE adapter can connect to your Romeo BLE mini, which means the Romeo BLE mini is capable of connection. So how about try another Android devices?
Hope this will help you.
userHeadPic Angelo.Qiao
2016-12-07 15:51:19 Tried these steps. Still no connection between the DFR0351 board and the “Bluno Basic Demo” App.

My Android tablet manufacturer is unknown to me. Here is the “About tablet” information: Model number: V11, Processor type: QuadCore-A33, Android version: 4.4.2, Firmware version: v2.0, Kernel version: 3.4.39 [email protected] #423 Tru Apr 2 14:00:40 CST 2015, Build number: astar_y3-eng 4.4.2 KVT49L 20150721 test-keys.

The DFR0351 “AT+…=?” information:
AT+UART=? 115200,8,N,1
AT+BIND=? 0x000000000000
AT+MAC=? 0x9059AF16A65C
AT+NAME=? Bluno
AT+RSSI=? -000
AT+MAJOR=? 00000
AT+MINOR=? 00000
userHeadPic empty3teen
2016-12-07 00:37:47 Thank you Bob, we have update the link. The ver 1.9 is more stable than ver 1.8.
How about try to reset the bluno? You can try the follow steps:

1. Check the Onboard "LINK" and "PAIR" LED is OFF. (If the LED is ON, try to find which device is connected to it.)
2. Enter the bluetooth setting in Android and forget the Bluno devices, which may be connected earlier.
3. Follow this step to enter AT command Mode :make_clickable_callback(MAGIC_URL_FULL, ' ', '', '', ' class="postlink"')
4. "AT+SETTING=DEFAULT" to reset the it.
5. Directly use Android 4.4.2 tablet to connect it

By the way could I know the brand of Android tablet?
If you still have connecting problems with this product, feel free to contact us.
userHeadPic Angelo.Qiao
2016-12-06 05:04:51 I do not have the DFR0351 connected by USB and it is powered by a separate ~7 Volt supply.

The wiki page “Romeo BLE mini SKU:DFR0351” gives a link in the wiki page “Bluno SKU:DFR0267” for “How to update the BLE firmware”. This page gives a link in “Download and decompression the Firmware in the Document section ( This is the Link )” that downloads the “BLE_FW_1.8e_14-05-13” BLE F/W. But this does not appear to be the latest version.
The latest version appears to be 1.97 found here “”.
So far I have tried both BLE F/W versions and cannot get a connection between the DFR0351 board and the “Bluno Basic Demo” App on an Android 4.4.2 tablet. (This tablet is able to connect to a Bluetooth speaker OK.)

Is there a latter or better version to try than 1.8 or 1.97?
Thank you!
userHeadPic empty3teen
2016-12-05 20:11:27 Hi Bob,
We are happy that you make it work :)
For the Bluno Basic Demo, perhaps your Romeo BLE Mini is connected? Try to disconnect the BLE adapter to release the connection.
Hope it will work.
userHeadPic Angelo.Qiao
2016-12-04 05:33:54 The BLE adapter-tel0087 worked; thank you!
However, my initial effort to wirelessly connect and control the DRF0351 board from an android-tablet based on “Bluno Basic Demo” was not successful. The Apps Bluetooth-Scan did not find the DRF0351 board. Do I need to use the BLE adapter-tel0087 on the android-tablet or a different DRF0351 BLE firmware, or ?
Thank You!
userHeadPic empty3teen
2016-11-17 21:41:57 Hi Bob,

So sorry, so far, we dont have a new version firmware to meet your needs. If you want to create a serial connection on a Bluetooth-PC, maybe you need a BLE adapter-tel0087 to connect to your PC, you can search it on our website, then through the adapter to send message to the romeo ble mini.

Hope this will help you. :)
userHeadPic Wendy.Hu