
geolocator server problem

userHead cry4brk 2015-01-19 05:02:36 4530 Views9 Replies

I'm using this server on my pc and it works just fine. I uploded it to my website but it doesn't show the location.
Link to server files: ... geoLocator
And one more problem, if I host it on my raspberry Pi i'm not able to post anything, i get error saving data. Can anybody help please? 
My online server is
Many thanks in advance.

2015-01-31 01:26:03 I created a test.php file. it seems to work. userHeadPic cry4brk
2015-01-29 12:55:07 i suggest you to make sure php is running. Perhaps the php script is not running well. its probably an issue with your host provider. Perhaps they had some settings not compatible with the script. I've heard of issues like that before, but can't exactly recall what was it.. did you make sure php is running well? userHeadPic Jose
2015-01-29 04:21:59 Yep, on raspberry pi everything works just fine. The pointer thing worked straight away, but to be able to get "data saved" instead of "unable to save data" I used the command "sudo chown www-data *.*" inside the /var/www/ folder. So yeah, on my rasPi works just fine, only on my website the pointer dosen't show up. I host my website on so free website hosting service. userHeadPic cry4brk
2015-01-27 15:20:07 wow, cool idea. let me have a try~if i could help sth, i will post here. userHeadPic Leff
2015-01-27 11:31:32 raspberrypi shows the pointers fine?

userHeadPic Jose
2015-01-27 06:43:29 Hi jose, The map loads with the center that is writen in the php script and it refreshing acording to the refrash rate in the same script. That's all, not bouncing pointer on the map. I tried to delete the TXT file, than manualy create another and so on. On raspberry Pi works just fine. Thanks. userHeadPic cry4brk
2015-01-26 13:30:26 no prob cry

that part of the code probably needs an update for the pointers.
I have not tried recently, but it was showing dots for me without any problem before. The only thing i was missing was to improve accuracy a little within the code.

Is there any other feedback aside from the missing pointer? does the map show any other kind of information?
userHeadPic Jose
2015-01-24 04:29:51 Thank you Jose. Everything works now if I host the server on my Raspberry Pi. But on my website, stll have the same problem. I can get the data to be saved but when i acces the geo2_0.php page, it only show tha map and refreshes, but thet red pointer is missing. I did set permissions on all files and folders for everyone. you can check here and if you click ... =14.250122 you get data save. But it dosen't show the marker on the map. Any help is appreciated. userHeadPic cry4brk
2015-01-20 11:39:45 Does your webserver have the right permissions within that folder or script? If its running but not saving the data, could be that its out of space or without permission userHeadPic Jose