
A01NYUB ultrasonic distance sensor with firebeetle ESP32

userHead ueligiger 2020-02-25 05:24:22 3723 Views3 Replies

I'm trying to use the A01NYUB ultrasonic distance sensor on the firebeetle ESP32. I've connected the VCC to 3.3V and the GND pin to GND of the firebeetle. Further I left the RX pin floating and have connected the TX pin to a digital IO.

When I try to connect over the hardware serial (9600 baud, 8 databits, 1 stopbit, no parity) I can read data from the sensor and the blue led on the back of the sensor is blinking but I can't see any change in the RX data when I change the distance of the object in front of the sensor.

Has anyone ever used this sensor on an ESP board?
2020-03-24 12:42:30 wrote:
Mon Mar 02, 2020 1:28 am
Hi, please try the ino file via the link: ... roblem.png
Thank you for the information and advice!
userHeadPic kinlawja.son16