

userHead etienne 2020-02-26 16:51:59 5868 Views19 Replies
I have a project to sent message via 3G and 4G network. It works fine with the sim800L module..but it is only 2G
I try to achieve the same result with the sim7600CE shield. I don't find the right setup to configure the GPRS.
On the sim800L, I use the following codes to configure ans setup the GPRS.
AT+SAPBR=3,1,\"Contype\",\"GPRS\" ......configure GPRS bearer
AT+SAPBR=3,1,\"APN\", ....configure the APN for the GPRS
AT+SAPBR=3,1,\"APN\",.....connect GPRS
AT+SAPBR=0,1.....disconnect GPRS
I can't find the equivalent AT command for the sim7600CE module.
Do you have any idea how to setup this GPRS.
With my best regards
2020-03-12 04:24:15 Hi, many thanks for the answer and with your test.
I will implement the code in my program and test.
I will keep you posted.
userHeadPic etienne
2020-03-12 04:24:15 Hi, many thanks for the answer and with your test.
I will implement the code in my program and test.
I will keep you posted.
userHeadPic etienne
2020-03-06 17:53:15 Hi, thanks for the answer.
I have tested the in/out SMS with your parameters...there is no major change...I can't receive accented characters. As I am receiving and sending SMS majority In French , it is very annoying this absence of accented characters...Do you know if there is a simcom module working on 4G with this capabilities....? Do you know if sim7600E (not CE) will be OK?
userHeadPic etienne
2020-03-06 17:53:15 Hi, thanks for the answer.
I have tested the in/out SMS with your parameters...there is no major change...I can't receive accented characters. As I am receiving and sending SMS majority In French , it is very annoying this absence of accented characters...Do you know if there is a simcom module working on 4G with this capabilities....? Do you know if sim7600E (not CE) will be OK?
userHeadPic etienne
2020-03-06 04:23:28 Hello, many thanks for the answer.
In the mean time, I was able to receive the SMS in text format.
the problem I have is with the accented characters (é,à,è.....) with the IRA pameters, they are replaced by ? when I receive a SMS, and with another character when sending a SMS. With the GSM and UCS2, the accented characters are replaced with a space when receiving and sending a SMS.
I will try with your parameters.
userHeadPic etienne
2020-03-06 04:23:28 Hello, many thanks for the answer.
In the mean time, I was able to receive the SMS in text format.
the problem I have is with the accented characters (é,à,è.....) with the IRA pameters, they are replaced by ? when I receive a SMS, and with another character when sending a SMS. With the GSM and UCS2, the accented characters are replaced with a space when receiving and sending a SMS.
I will try with your parameters.
userHeadPic etienne
2020-03-03 04:22:56 hello, thanks for the informations. I have read a lot concerning the sim7600 command.
Now I can sent message in GET format . It is OK now for me.
I have another problem. When I receive a SMS it is received in PDU format even if the sim7600 is setup to be text format with the AT+CMGF=1.
It is strange....
userHeadPic etienne
2020-03-03 04:22:56 hello, thanks for the informations. I have read a lot concerning the sim7600 command.
Now I can sent message in GET format . It is OK now for me.
I have another problem. When I receive a SMS it is received in PDU format even if the sim7600 is setup to be text format with the AT+CMGF=1.
It is strange....
userHeadPic etienne
2020-02-29 04:13:04 in addition to my preview post, I have found how to setup the GPRS.
AT+SAPBR=3,1,"CONTYPE","GPRS" is replaced by AT+CGREG=1 and response is OK
AT+SAPBR=3,1,"APN","APNnetwork" is replaced by AT+CGSOCKCONT=1,"IP","APNnetwork" and response is OK
AT+HTTPINIT start the connection to the GPRS
AT+HTTPPARA="URL","https://.............." message to be sent response OK
AT+HTTPACTION=0 for a GET to the server response OK
After few seconds, I receive this message +HTTPACTION: 0,505,0
I type this command

HTTP/1.1 505 HTTP Version Not Supported
Connection: close
Server: Cowboy
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2020 19:40:46 GMT
Content-Length: 0

It seems that the HTTP version is not supported....and I have how to solve that...
Please Help.
userHeadPic etienne
2020-02-29 04:13:04 in addition to my preview post, I have found how to setup the GPRS.
AT+SAPBR=3,1,"CONTYPE","GPRS" is replaced by AT+CGREG=1 and response is OK
AT+SAPBR=3,1,"APN","APNnetwork" is replaced by AT+CGSOCKCONT=1,"IP","APNnetwork" and response is OK
AT+HTTPINIT start the connection to the GPRS
AT+HTTPPARA="URL","https://.............." message to be sent response OK
AT+HTTPACTION=0 for a GET to the server response OK
After few seconds, I receive this message +HTTPACTION: 0,505,0
I type this command

HTTP/1.1 505 HTTP Version Not Supported
Connection: close
Server: Cowboy
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2020 19:40:46 GMT
Content-Length: 0

It seems that the HTTP version is not supported....and I have how to solve that...
Please Help.
userHeadPic etienne
2020-02-26 16:51:59 Hello,
I have a project to sent message via 3G and 4G network. It works fine with the sim800L module..but it is only 2G
I try to achieve the same result with the sim7600CE shield. I don't find the right setup to configure the GPRS.
On the sim800L, I use the following codes to configure ans setup the GPRS.
AT+SAPBR=3,1,\"Contype\",\"GPRS\" ......configure GPRS bearer
AT+SAPBR=3,1,\"APN\", ....configure the APN for the GPRS
AT+SAPBR=3,1,\"APN\",.....connect GPRS
AT+SAPBR=0,1.....disconnect GPRS
I can't find the equivalent AT command for the sim7600CE module.
Do you have any idea how to setup this GPRS.
With my best regards
userHeadPic etienne