
sim808 module Google Map API integration

userHead Account cancelled 2020-03-02 22:32:23 2690 Views1 Replies

How can i integrate the Google Map API with your library using sim808 module. Waiting for your reply.

2023-08-18 16:59:13

Here's a simplified example to illustrate the process:


// Set up serial communication with the SIM808 moduleinitializeSerialCommunication();

// Google Maps API request URLapiUrl = "";

// Send HTTP request to Google Maps APIsendHttpRequest(apiUrl);

// Receive and read API responseresponse = receiveHttpResponse();

// Parse JSON response to extract coordinatescoordinates = parseCoordinatesFromResponse(response);

// Now you can use the extracted coordinates for your application 


Be aware that direct communication with Google Maps API from a microcontroller can be complex due to limited resources (memory, processing power) on these devices. It might be more feasible to communicate with a server that acts as an intermediary between your microcontroller and the Google Maps API. The server can handle the b2b data integration requests and send simplified data back to your microcontroller.

userHeadPic NicholasWallace